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A Special Invitation for Purpose-Driven Entrepreneurs & Coaches
Ready to Bend Reality, 10X Your Performance & Energy, & Experience more ALIVENESS, IMPACT,

Want to Achieve what Previously Felt Impossible
& Create an Extraordinary Life of
Vitality, Adventure & Freedom?

Here’s your chance to RECEIVE the exact SECRETS my Mission-Driven clients use to 10X their energy naturally, NIP health issues in the bud, recognize & shift limiting beliefs blocking them from that next level, break through glass ceilings & give LIFE to their BIGGEST dreams ~ in 3 MONTHS OR LESS! 


EVEN IF: you’ve been religiously following all the biohacking gurus, been stuck for years, & already done a ton of exhausting research on your own!

I will coach you to a powerful, sustainable and lasting solution

~ that works quickly and beautifully ~ time and again!



  • extraordinary, someone with big ideas and big visions for your life and the world.  

  • smart, purpose-driven, perhaps a coach, entrepreneur or "superhero wanna-be” ~ one of the “do-gooders” of the world.

  • someone who others consider ambitious, or a high achiever, smart, talented, visionary, and/or a leader, path paver, pioneer, creative, and/or change-maker. 

  • that exceptional human in the 1% of people who carry that special “care gene” to make the world a more peaceful, happier, healthier and more sacred place. 

  • passionate about creating a bigger life, a life by design, a BOLD, AUDACIOUS life ~ an extraordinary life, a life that fulfills your dreams and potential ~ while living “the good life” ~ a life of connection, beauty, vibrant health, adventures, purpose, wisdom and inspiration.


  • aren’t LIVING that vision fully at the moment ~ whether you have a health issue in the way, or a limiting belief or glass ceiling in your perception, or blind spots you can't see for yourself, or some other circumstance in your life that feels like it’s holding you back.

  • may feel stuck, overwhelmed, or like you’re playing smaller than you know you can (and desire in your soul).

  • are also resourceful, & likely already tried several diets, programs, podcasts, doctors, coaches, 5-step plans, etc.  Yet nothing has yielded the results you hoped.


You’re ready for the “holy grail”.


You’re ready to BREAK THROUGH to the next level and finally spread your wings and FLY. 

You’re ready to LIVE BOLDLY, WELL & FREE!

Well, that’s where I shine.

I LOVE mentoring and guiding adventurous, ambitious men & women who care about living full-out & making a positive difference in the world, YET who feel stuck ~ either due to subpar health and vitality AND/OR limiting beliefs, habits and patterns ~ that keep them from living the LIFE they deeply desire. My expertise is to quickly and powerfully transform your body and mind to experience optimal vitality and well-being, while building wisdom, groundedness & peace, so you can genuinely get back to the business of LIVING the life YOU imagine + making the positive contribution you desire.


If you want to dramatically improve your well-being, performance and impact, and achieve what (up til now) has felt impossible; If you want to create an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE of greater aliveness, adventure & freedom ~ in a matter of weeks to months (not years!) . . . then I invite you to Schedule a:



What to Expect . . .

On the call, I want you to be ready to play, to be bold because we're not going to play small here.  


This is about you achieving a Bold Audacious Goal.  This is about YOU breaking through to a place you haven't reached before.

This is about you "crushing it" vs being crushed.   ;) 


This is about you GETTING the ANSWERS and the SOLUTIONS and the SUPPORT to actually achieve what has previously felt impossible ~ whether that's because you have a health issue in the way, or because you have a limiting belief or glass ceiling in your perception or abilities, or blind spots you can't even see for yourself, or whether there's a circumstance in your life or environment holding you back .... 


This work, this call, is an "EXPLORATION OF TRANSFORMATION" and what's POSSIBLE for YOU.  We’ll explore what’s been getting in your way, what you’ve tried already, and more importantly, what you want to create.


Whether you’re struggling with fatigue, burnout, exhaustion, brain fog, low productivity, premature aging, autoimmunity, lack of clarity, and/or chronic stress and overwhelm, I’ve seen (and supported) it all. 


So, I want you to come with an open mind, and an open heart, and a willingness to PLAY BIG, to GO DEEP, and to see what's possible.


TRUTH MOMENT: One of the reasons I do this call for free, is that I don’t work with everyone. I want to get to know you, and you, me, in an atmosphere of exploration and possibility to see if we’re a mutual fit to take you where you want to go. I’ve found that the clients who are courageous, who are most deeply committed, and who are willing to do what it takes to heal, to transform, are the ones who get the most amazing results.


Aannddd that being said, a FREEDOM CALL has the potential to completely change the trajectory of your life ~ should you allow it.  


Sounds good?

If any of this sounds good, you're in the right place.

Longterm, optimized, youthful vitality at any age, resiliency, and high-level performance in the 21st century (with all it's chaos, interference, pace, and toxins), REQUIRE that you know the secrets of what the body and mind actually need to THRIVE in this hurried, noisy 21st century ~ without compromising connection, enjoyment, freedom and the lifestyle you dream of.


Yet few people (not even the “experts” writing all the best-selling books!) fully understand how to accomplish this. They try to push a difficult diet, or a complex list of restrictive lifestyle changes.

Yet none of this is sustainable.  Even if it were, it’s not personalized ~ and therefore it can't be RIGHT for YOU.

Yet THAT’S what I do for my clients.  

And it's what I’d love to do for YOU, so YOU get back to the business of LIVING ~ fully & freely.


Peter McMahon

Before our work together, I had been a longterm competitive, national level telemark skier but I had to stop competing due to inexplicable, chronic, complex health issues. 


I had already spent years going to doctor after doctor, both medical doctors and naturopaths, tried multiple diets, protocols, procedures ~ only to continue to get worse.


I could no longer train, let alone compete, and the dream I had for my life, my identity, was fading by the day. I felt confounded, frustrated, helpless and angry. 

But after working with Ann, I can honestly say I haven’t felt this good in decades! I could not imagine one year ago feeling like I do now. I was living with pain and discomfort, just dealing with it and not really thriving. 


This progress has been amazing.
My energy levels, muscle mass and strength are finally returning. More than that, my motivation, hope and confidence have finally returned. I am ready to start training again, and even considering a return to competitive skiing. 


I was quite lost a year ago and didn’t have a clear idea of what was possible for my future.
I thought that I would be stuck with my issues for life. Not so!

Many thanks, Ann, for your dedication,
love, understanding and guidance!


Mike Kabjian

Before working with Ann, I was struggling to recover from a pretty bad concussion, suffering from extreme fatigue, confusion, memory loss, depression, anxiety, insomnia, gut issues, and physical pain.

I had said, “life was pretty miserable.” I was scared for my future and unsure if I would ever feel “normal” again.

And just a few months later:

“Working with Ann has completely changed my life! My concussion symptoms, fatigue, fear, toxicity, pain, gut issues, insomnia, anxiety and depression, are gone! 
Today I have more energy and a happier outlook than ever before."


Ami Clay

I had once been an active triathlete, but had recently been diagnosed with hormone-dependent breast cancer. I had also suffered with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 10 years, which was progressively worsening.

I had always been active, ate healthy, and just couldn’t understand why I was getting so much worse and now had cancer.


And after just a few months of working with Ann, I shared with her: 

I feel better now than I have in years. I’m training again, and am cancer free! I feel modern medicine is lacking in finding the root cause of the issue and tends to prescribe medications for a quick fix.


And doing a ton of research on my own has always felt overwhelming, given the amount of (often conflicting) info out there. Working with you was one of the best decisions I have ever made!


I have some very simple requirements that I need you to meet before you schedule this Free Call with me, that can help you transform your life.

Please read the following carefully and make sure you fit the criteria . . .

Before you apply


  • You have BIG goals for your health and life.

  • You are absolutely fed up with your current limitations and REALLY want to create a breakthrough NOW.  Not next summer, not 5 years from now, not just thinking about it.  NOW.

  • You are tired of trying a bunch of different things that don't work and ready for a permanent, proven solution instead.

  • You are seeking a holistic approach ~ one that doesn't just cover up symptoms (physical or otherwise) but heals you at the cellular level, and at a meta level, creating vitality in every area of your being for DECADES to come.

  • You are bold and open to new things, willing to step out of your comfort zone, even if it stretches you.

  • You are open to being guided, coached, and mentored.​

  • You are 100% COMMITTED to doing whatever it takes to transform your situation and step into the vitality and freedom awaiting you.​​

  • You have a positive attitude and are willing to work hard to create the changes you desire in your life, even when it’s challenging.

  • You are willing to invest in yourself to reach your goals.

  • Most of all, I work with people who INSPIRE me. Your vulnerability, your courage, your dream for yourself, your family, and your world make you who you uniquely are.


If you bring ALL of you to the table, ready to reach beyond what and who you’ve been before, then you’re the person who truly INSPIRES me. 


And I'd be honored to meet you.

Who this is NOT for:

  • Victims, complainers or blame-shifters!


  • [Remember, transformation requires that you MUST take personal responsibility for your journey ~ both the ways in which you feel challenged and struggle, as well as the dream you have for your life and your commitment to that.]

  • People who only “kinda, sorta, maybe” want to change, who aren’t ready to fully commit and engage whole-heartedly.​

  • People who aren’t willing to work harder than me at their life and well-being.  ;)

Remember, this is about YOU, NOW

and the FUTURE you are choosing to create.

Are you ready to create lifelong, lasting change?

If the above "who this is for" feels like YOU, you’re EXACTLY the type of client who INSPIRES me and whom I love mentoring because when we work together we will create lifelong, lasting change!


So, if you're feeling like this could be the "big break" you've been searching for and an opportunity you'll look back on in 3-6 months as the single greatest decision you've ever made ~ for yourself and your body ~ then click on the button below and schedule your Free FREEDOM CALL now.


Because if you really engage,

there is no one on this planet who can get you there faster than I can.  ;-)


STEP 1:  Schedule your FREE “FREEDOM” CALL with me! 

Click the "APPLY NOW" button below and pick a date/time you feel confident you can commit to whole-heartedly. The session is scheduled for 90 minutes.  However, block out two full hours in case we need any extra time. 


Once you schedule the call, please write/type it on your calendar in BOLD and let everyone in your life (spouse, kids, boss, colleagues, clients, partner, friends, everyone) know that you are “closed for business” during that time.    :)


It’s imperative that you commit fully to yourself and to me to receive the greatest benefits from our time together. I appreciate your time and mine. So, I will show up if you show up.   :)


And if at all possible, block out an extra hour afterwards so you can give yourself the gift of mindful time to integrate and celebrate all the Aha's, insights and inspirations you receive!!  


STEP 2:  A few moments after you receive your appointment confirmation email, you should receive a second email with a link to complete your APPLICATION.  Please be sure to do that as soon as it arrives, so I have it in time for our call.

These questions allow me to both (a) glimpse your journey and goals so I can plan for the best use of our time, and (b) assess if you're someone I feel confident I can truly help.


Once your application comes to my inbox, one of two things will happen.

* One, I'll feel confident I can help you, and I'll meet you on the phone at the designated time of your FREEDOM Session.   :)

* Or two, I’ll decide we’re not a very good match and I’ll let you know immediately, even including a referral if I happen to know someone who’s a better match for your goals.

Regardless, the GOAL is to get YOU UNstuck and pointed in the direction of rising from the ashes to fulfill your wildest dreams, untamed and unhindered.

Thrilled to serve you soon!   


In grace, health and possibility ~


Are You Ready?!  . . .


If you've read the above sections and feels it describes you pretty darn well,

then I invite you to apply for a chance to speak to me personally.


I only open up a FEW spots a week,

and I’ll review applications on a first come, first-serve basis.  


So, if this feels GOOD to you, be sure to apply NOW.



I will never pressure nor hassle you.


This work is my LOVE, my passion, my calling, and my path of service to humanity.  It’s is my greatest honor to see someone’s greatness and help them achieve that.

It is why I exist.


So, if I feel you’re a great fit to continue to work together, I’ll invite you to work with me. Simple.  :)

And if you want IN, great!!!  (imagine me doing a happy dance because I *know* you’re gonna be sailing towards your dreams in a few short months and I get to support and witness that!  Wahoo!!!)


And if I don’t feel it’s the right approach or timing for you, I’ll kindly let you know that.  Likewise, if you do not feel in your heart that continuing to have me by your side, is the right choice for you, simply let me know your clarity on that. 


YOU are a precious being, capable of GREAT things no matter what you’ve been through, nor whether or not one of us chooses to continue to travel together. 


I will still offer a referral if I have one, and bless you on your way, knowing you will find the best solution when the time is right.

About Ann

Helicopter pilot, Humanitarian, Climber, Yogi, Adventure Travel Guide, Conservation Biologist, Outdoor Educator, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Human Potential Coach. 

Labels aside, I’m in the business of helping you get to the root cause of whatever ails you — while inspiring you to live BOLDY, WELL & FREE.

I'm in the business of giving you permission to say “HELL YES!” to those things, people and experiences you crave most, and the TOOLS to get unstuck and thriving again.

I get how frustrating it can be to feel called to something greater. Something that’s just out of reach. Truth be told, that was me once. I survived Lyme disease, two near-death experiences, a traumatic head injury, PTSD, adrenal burnout, a 17-year gut health battle, parasites, Hypothyroidism, chronic pain syndrome, and more.

Yet I healed and transformed it all.  And I will coach you to discover the mind/body shifts specific to YOU that will liberate you from dis-ease and suffering and set you free to follow the fire in your heart and scale mountains (literal and figurative) once more.

(You can read my full story here.)

Still got questions? I know this is a big leap on your part!

Although it's best if we can jump on a call and explore together (and keep in mind these calls are pressure free calls to help both you and I determine if we are a good fit to work together).

However, if you have some quick questions you'd like answered before booking a call,

please feel free to email me directly at:

I'm more than happy to answer your questions there.

After you grab a time on the calendar, you’ll receive a confirmation email and a link to a short Application.

Fill that out, and you're all set.  :)

I look forward to meeting you SOON!  


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